While our primary goal is providing the design of objects, we can't help but appreciate hi-craft within other creative disciplines. This is noticeable when it comes to the art of photography. Presentation is arguably just as important as the product itself. Therefore, we were exited to do a collaboration with Willow Maurice of Willow Style Co.
Willow is a native of Idaho and remains based there. A wife and mother of 4, Willow finds time to peruse her passion of interior styling and photography. Below are a few shots of some of our accessories styled and photographed by her.
website: https://willow.style/
Valet tray in white-oak
Elysian incense burner in white-oak
Valet tray in white-oak
See other shots by Willow Maurice on her blog: https://willow.style/blog/2019/7/komolab